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What You Need to Know About Vacuum Contactors

Vacuum contactors have been in existence for a long time and have been used in many industrial applications. In this post, we will take you through the benefits of a vacuum contactor and its application. One of the questions one may be asking is why is vacuum switching important. The benefits of using a vacuum contactor can be grouped into two main groups. These include engineering applications and user benefits. In the past, arcing mediums used oil and air. Today, they have evolved to the use of vacuum. Studies show that when a vacuum contactor is used as a switching medium it has many advantages such as short arcing time, low arc energy, and small movement needed for arc solution.

The following are the main features of the vacuum contactor. They have a free-air chamber that allows arc extinction as well as a current interruption to be completed within a fraction of a cycle. This is vital in reducing contact erosion. Besides, they have a strong metal bellow that makes it easy for the moving contact to be closed from outside without making air to leak into the bottle. Vacuum contactors also have front removable auxiliaries and coil which enable users to maintain the components with ease.

Vacuum contactors play a vital role in controlling electrical apparatus in different industries such as the service and marine sector. They have unique breaking techniques that enable them to operate in all environments. You can use a vacuum contactor to control and protect motors, power factor correction banks, and transformers.

Having a vacuum contactor will bring you many benefits. For instance, it reduces the cost of ownership since the device reduces the need for maintenance and electrical power. Besides, they are environmentally friendly. They do not emit CO2 like other contactors. People love using a vacuum contactor since they are flexible. If you want to set the voltage, you can use a dip switch. Other versions come with a free-standing fuse.

Now that you know the benefits you can get from using a vacuum contactor, it is a good idea to know the steps to follow when searching for the right manufacturer of the contactors. One of the things you need to pay attention to when searching for contactor is ease of maintenance. Keeping your device in good shape is vital. This means that when it endures damage, you need to find ways of fixing it.

Before you can spend money on buying a vacuum contactor, you may want to check the quality of the devices of several manufacturers. The manufacturers you want to work with needs to have a good track record in making the best quality contactors. Consider buying vacuum contactors from manufacturers who have installed the best safety devices. When searching for a vacuum contactor manufacturing company, you need to choose those with experience in the industry. The companies that have been in the industry for a while have records of providing quality services. Another vital consideration involves considering working with manufacturers that have certified licenses from the authorities.

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